You have a garden in town Step 1 Step 2 Identification Analysis of your lands Url The duration of your diagnosis is about 5 to 10 minutes Where are your lands? FranceOther country What surface is to be treated? * Select a unit In hectare In are In m² I know the metal content of my soil? * YesNo What metals would you like to remove from your lands? * Copper Arsenic Cadmium Chrome Nickel Other(s) What type of plants (Bioindicators) do you find on your plots? Identify them from the images below. Sols acides Indicator plants for acid soils Bonne fértilité Indicator plants of good fertility tassement Indicators of settlement excès d'eau Indicator plants of excess water or poor drainage You can not identify the plants on your land? Use the app to help you. Learn more about these plants I enter my email address * First name Last name * I enter my phone number * I send a sample of 50 g of my soil for X-ray diagnosis. * YesNo I want BIOMEDE to come and make an X-ray diagnosis of my soil to find out the metal content. * YesNo I acknowledge having read our policy of managing personal data. (Privacy Policy) *