The structural properties and conditions conducive to the fertility of a soil took several thousand years to establish.
They carry in them the story and the future of life. Unfortunately, it has only been 200 years of human industrialization to pollute the earth sustainably. Heavy metals, fungicides, pesticides, hydrocarbons, nitrates, etc … have disturbed this delicate balance.
Industrialists have buried a wide variety of chemicals on their land or in the wild.
Soil pollution a national scourge
Soil is today the most polluted environment, well before water and air. It is an invisible but extremely dangerous pollution. These extremely toxic pollutants eventually end up in the water and the food chain. In addition, some are reprotoxic, others cause cancer, blood diseases and an incalculable number of diseases.
The French territory has so far one of the highest densities of polluted sites in the world. Today it is not 1, not 2 but more than 230 000 sites considered as dangerously polluted with heavy metals everywhere in France.
Yet nothing is done because the polluted surfaces are too big and the conventional techniques of depollution too expensive.
France is also one of the countries in Europe where soil remediation is most closely linked to private investment (70%). However, these large pollution control companies prioritize physicochemical treatments and soil excavation in nearly 90% of cases.
Phyto-extraction, a way forward for the depollution
Nature, in its extraordinary ability to adapt, offers effective means to remedy the pollution produced by human activities and to clean up the soil.
This is the case of so-called HYP (hyperaccumulator) plants, which have been selected for their ability to extract these pollutants from the ground. This is called phyto-extraction. These plants have already been the subject of many conclusive scientific studies but too few are used in the field.
This treatment is much less expensive and much cleaner than physico-chemical soil treatments.

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