Heavy metals, this invisible pollution!
Nobody knows the real history of the land he cultivates, and even less so in urban areas. Old agricultural lands, former industrial wastelands, these soils that today serve as a shared garden.
Phytoextraction, an innovative solution for soil remediation
It took 200 years of industrialization for man to pollute the earth sustainably. Discover phyto-extraction, this gentle solution for your floors.
What is phytoremediation?
In France, 80% of soils are contaminated, particularly with heavy metals. Contaminated soil significantly slows the growth of plants.
Testimonial: Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte
Everything comes from the earth. At Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte we act in the vineyards as in the cellars to respect nature and protect the biodiversity of the vineyard.

Interview Ludovic VINCENT – Biomede by TLM
Ludovic VINCENT, co-founder of Biomede, was recently interviewed by the Lyon channel TLM – Télé Lyon Métropole at the incubator of EM Lyon Business School. You will find in this video, everything about Biomede: the project, the ambitions, the strategies but also and especially the human adventure that comes from Biomede.
Back to VivaTech 2018
Last May, BIOMEDE was part of VivaTech, one of the biggest events dedicated to technological innovation and start-ups. The Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region has therefore decided to question Ludovic VINCENT, co-founder of BIOMEDE, about his start-up, his innovation and his projects.

Customer Testimonial: Maison Jean Loron
Every year, the search for the vital balance of the vine is a quest. It oscillates between innovative methods in restructured vineyards, and tradition in very old vines known, always in an ecosystem where biodiversity is favored.
Would you like to know more about the personalized solution we offer?